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​     The mining engineering program at Laurentian University is one of only eleven mining programs in all of Canada. We have some of the most devoted and fascinated students from all corners of the world studying in our facilities, which enriches our acedemic standing as one of the most talented programs in Canada. Geomechanics Research Centre, LU Mining automation Laboratory and Deep mining research reflect some of the faculty research specialties, including rock mechanics, ground control, rock fragmentation and blasting, mine ventilation, equipment automation and remote operation, design and simulation techniques, financial evaluation and economic optimization.

     More about this program can be seen here.

Mine Rescue

​     The mine rescue competition is an important event in which our mining students at LUESS live to compete in. The rescue competition teaches young miners and students about the real life dangers of their field, and displays the chivalry of becoming a miner. 

     The mine rescue club meets around the time of the competition each year. To express interest, talk to any LUESS counsel member.


School of Engineering

Laurentian University

935 Ramsey Lake Road

Sudbury, ON, Canada

P3E 2C6



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